Internet TCP / IP design and diagnostics.

Who is the service aimed at?

We welcome you to contact us if you are creating a new product that may be related to automation equipment or if your system has had long-term communication problems, be it speed, resource consumption, or a complex advanced protocol.

Of course, solutions with a wireless connection (link-layer) are especially suitable. But in the same way, our enthusiasm is great if the TCP / IP Internet solution does not work in your warehouse or office, or the connection is lost, for example, in warehouse scanners connected to Wi-Fi.


Toomas Kadarpik became interested in the Internet in 1990 when the library of the Academy of Sciences was recommended to order Tannenbaum's TCP / IP Networking book, which he read from cover to cover. The first moment when all this was needed was the prehistory of the Estonian Internet in establishing an academic network, we went to training in Sweden and after that Tallinn and Tartu got 64Kb / s Tele-X satellite connections, from that moment Estonia was connected to the rest of the world. A few months later, I received a letter that I was able to study at the University of Helsinki. The Internet seemed a close topic, a few years later Data Telecom became the first Internet service provider in Estonia, data communication technology was also developed at that time and used copper telephone lines at that time.

I remember well a call from Eesti Telefon, where it was studied, what miracle thing are you doing there, what exactly is this Internet?

Commercial Internet seemed science fiction at the time, as the entire service system was built for academic use and to some extent also operated in Finnish public institutions.

Present day

I have solved thousands of different problems with TCP / IP networks, as well as designed various networks.

Topics that we like to deal with are problems that cannot be solved with standard instructions, or you need to design a new solution for the TCP / IP protocol family. In Estonia, everyone has seen reliable E-ports to Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, the design is based on architecture, which was created to communicate with controllers and control the system. Cooperation was established first with Helmes and then with Nortal, as the port operator changed. Such systems are a symbiosis of the ability to create process models and long-term experience, although customers in Estonia rarely want to design long-term solutions, it is still possible to do so.

Current standard solutions are often designed by trial and error, copying some of the existing solutions One of the biggest problems in the event of a disaster is the system management training offered today, where all kinds of operations are taught without understanding what is going on behind the operations.
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