How to be many steps ahead and future proof your internet service offering? Why now is a good time to start offering new value add to basic internet service? With the help of what innovative platform it is possible to offer internet services that adapt to the digitalization of society?
To answer these questions 3KGroup and Plume are organizing a joint webinar for Finnish, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian communications service providers representatives.
Internet service users who are interested in this theme are awaited join in as well.
In the presentation we will cover, how Plumes innovative system helps to save time, reduce operating costs and open up new revenue streams. There will also be a chance to see Plume solutions demo both from the service providers as well as from service consumers perspective. There will be a chance to ask questions during the webinar.
The webinar will take place on the 23. September 10:00 AM (EEST/EEDT). Prior registration is needed to participate.
Register HERE:
Registered participants will be sent a link for attending and a recording after the event has taken place.
Introduction – Karl Staub (3KGroup)
Threats and opportunities, business impacts of Plume – Felix Jimenez Valeda (Plume)
Plume solution demo – Elizabeth Dafine di Rocco (Plume)
Additional info: Karl Staub,, +372 555 14 002